
KU体育官网APP是StormReady®大学.  所有FAU校区都被认可为StormReady®. Approximately 90% of all presidentially declared disasters are weather related, 每年造成约500人死亡,损失近140亿美元.  StormReady® began in 1999 to help communities validate their communication capabilities and safety skills needed to respond to severe weather. 通过改进规划,StormReady®社区可以更好地做好准备, 教育, 以及意识项目. While no community is storm proof, being StormReady® does help save lives. 




SkyWarn® is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service’s (NWS) severe weather spotting program with nearly 290,全国有5000名训练有素的志愿者.

国家气象局的使命是保护生命和财产. When  weather conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms or tornadoes are expected to develop, 发出强雷暴或龙卷风警报. A Severe Thunderstorm or 龙卷风 WARNING is issued when severe weather has been reported  by  a  Skywarn  spotter or  ndicated  by  Doppler  radar.
Skywarn volunteers become the NWS’s and local 紧急 Management’s eyes and ears, 协助提供更好的天气监察及预警服务.


FAU Storm Spotters are a university-wide network of volunteers trained by the NWS to report significant weather. 每个人都被鼓励参与.

The NWS and/or the local emergency management authorities may activate the Storm Spotter net whenever there is a threat of severe weather or the NWS issues a Severe Thunderstorm or 龙卷风 Watch. In this case, information may be relayed through amateur radio repeaters.

If you would like to join our storm spotter team, please send a request via email to



  • 龙卷风
  • 漏斗云
  • 旋转墙云
  • 暴涨的洪水
  • 冰雹直径3/4英寸或更大
  • 风速大于58英里/小时
  • 持续不旋转的壁云
  • 降雨量每小时1英寸或更多
  • 冰雹直径1/2英寸或更大
  • 风速大于每小时40英里
  • 暗示风暴组织的云特征 
  • 其他本地定义的标准
  • 闪电 
  • 小冰雹(小于一角硬币大小)
  • 风速低于每小时40英里
  • Non-flooding降雨
  • 与天气无关的损害


速度(英里/小时) 影响
25-30 Large branches in motion; whistling in utility wires; empty trash cans blown several yards; hats blow off
31-40 Whole trees in motion; leaves and twigs blown off; difficult to handle high profile vehicles; small umbrellas damaged
41-57 Large palm fronds down; weak branches (e.g. umbrella trees) broken; ripe fruit blown off tree; patio furniture and potted plants overturned; difficult driving all vehicles; umbrellas destroyed
58-73 Large tree limbs broken; shallow rooted trees pushed over; un-ripened fruit blown off trees; awnings/antennae twisted; porch screening ripped loose; mobile homes damaged; signs bent and some traffic signals downed; some truck trailers toppled; difficulty walking
74-110(飓风强度) Numerous trees uprooted; highway signs blown down or twisted; screened patios heavily damaged; windows broken; some shingles blown off frame houses; mobile homes severely damaged; utility wires down; cars overturned; unable to stand without holding on


  • Telephone severe weather observations immediately to the University Police at (561) 297-3500.  (如果有疑问,还是写报告吧).
  • Identify yourself as a trained Storm Spotter and provide your SkyWarn® certification number.
  • 提供KU体育姓名和位置.
  • give出细节. 在做报告时一定要使用“四个w”.
  • 你看到了什么:
    • Report any strong winds (50 mph or greater), or any wind that produces damage.
    • 报告任何冰雹. Refer to hail size in comparison to coin (dime, nickel, penny, quarter). 不要提及“大理石”大小的冰雹.
    • 报告漏斗云、墙云、龙卷风或水柱. 记住,旋转和持久性是关键!
    • 报告损坏(即使在事件发生后).
    • 报告洪水.
  • 当你看到它时:
    • 方向:到已知地点或十字路口的方向和距离.
  • 当你看到它时:
    • 一定要记下观察的时间.
  • 它在做什么:
    • Describe the storm’s direction and speed of travel, size, intensity, and destructiveness.
There are six guidelines describing the requirements that must be met to qualify as a StormReady® University. All StormReady® communities must renew their designation every three years. Below is a description of the requirements met by KU体育官网APP.

1. 通信 & 协调中心

FAU has a "24-hour warning point" to receive National Weather Service information and provide local reports and advice. 这次行动由大学警察调度中心负责. 我们的24小时警戒点:

  • 经营24/7/365.
  • Receives notification from the local municipalities and counties when severe weather alerts are announced.
  • 中的模块。  FAU警报系统.

FAU也有一个紧急行动中心(EOC)。. 平机会的成员包括高级行政人员, 关键决策者, 还有应急管理人员. The University President or designee can activate the EOC based on established procedures.

2. 国家气象局警报接收

The University Police Dispatch Center and EOC receive National Weather Service warnings from multiple sources that include:

  • NOAA天气电台.
  • Private sector web-based providers and direct internet access to National Weather Service information and warnings.
  • 全州及地方直辖市、县、州电信.
  • 地方广播和电视广播.

3. 水文气象监测

除了以上的天气资料来源, FAU utilizes the internet and mobile device access as a means of gathering ancillary weather information including high definition and Doppler radar.

4. 警告传播

FAU告警模块  may be utilized as a means of ensuring timely warnings to the University community.

5. 大学及社区准备

FAU认识到教育学生的价值, 教师, and staff about severe weather and how to respond properly to weather threats. Members of our University community are more likely to seek additional methods for receiving weather warnings, 认识到潜在的威胁天气情况, and act appropriately when severe weather strikes when they have participated in awareness programs. 为此目的,FAU:

  • 进行准备演讲和会谈.
  • Promotes and encourages attending a National Weather Service SKYWARN weather spotter training when offered.

6. 行政

Senior administration and key leadership at FAU support the requirements of the StormReady® program. Written plans and procedures have been formally developed and are maintained to provide:

  • 应急反应和业务连续性.
  • Storm spotter activation criteria, reporting procedures, roster, and training record.
  • 激活FAU警报系统的标准操作程序.
  • 练习和训练.




